Ainda não temos significados para "abscessed tooth".
1I had an abscessed tooth pulled this morning, and I was feeling sick.
2The pain from an abscessed tooth is persistent and serious.
3I remember once I had an abscessed tooth pulled.
4Throughout the world, dentists commonly prescribe Amoxicillin for abscessed tooth infections that require antibiotic therapy.
5I made some excuse to the farmer-a headache, an abscessed tooth-and turned back to Gregory.
6Every reminder of it was like an abscessed tooth.
7Dental infections, including severely decayed teeth or an abscessed tooth, can sometimes spread to the orbital area.
8You've had a hard day with the abscessed tooth, the dope the dentist gave you, and-otherthings.
9ANTIBIOTICS are just one of the many tools dentists have to treat dental infections, like an abscessed tooth.
10I do know if an abscessed tooth is a constant pain, you need to pull it out before it poisons you.
11A tiger was here, too, being treated for an abscessed tooth, but she was kept in a cage in an out-building.
12Types of dental infections You may have an abscessed tooth if you experience pain when chewing, an aching jaw, or swollen gums.
13They may also recommend an antibiotic for abscessed teeth if you have a weakened immune system.
14"I want a life with CJ the way I want an abscessed tooth, Marsh."
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