Examples for "gang "
Examples for "gang "
1 But, convictions are difficult to secure in many cases involving gang violence.
2 Lane joined in the anti-social behaviour; he became one of the gang .
3 Wairoa police said gang violence in the town would not be tolerated.
4 The gang are fertile in disguise; the machine operates at considerable distances.'
5 He said, 'The press - gang must be heading for the fight you mentioned.'
1 He lit another State Express 555 and gave one to Master Luo .
2 Roger Luo has spent almost a third of his life in Ireland.
3 Locals warned the death of the Luo man could spark tit-for-tat violence.
4 As the child grew older, his face began to resemble Master Luo 's .
5 The work itself was an indignity: in Luo society, men do not cook.
1 By early explorers the Acholi were called Shuli , a name now obsolete.
2 Guo is also being sued in New York for defamation by the chairman of property developer SOHO China, Pan Shiyi, and prominent journalist Hu Shuli .
1 Shakur and Acoli fled the scene, but were later apprehended by authorities.
1 By early explorers the Acholi were called Shuli, a name now obsolete.
2 Returning rebels do three cleansing rites before being accepted back into Acholi society.
3 The Acholi are good hunters, using nets and spears, and keep goats, sheep and cattle.
4 The Acholi have a customary land ownership system which recognizes seven categories of land, said Tebere.
5 They are akin to the Acholi (q.v.
6 Acholi Machon A band of former freedom fighters from the Acholi tribe of northern Uganda who've traded in their rifles for thumb pianos.
7 Lack of land rights for women is another major problem, as access to land is usually passed down through the male line in Acholi culture.
8 ACHOLI , a negro people of the upper Nile valley, dwelling on the east bank of the Bahr-el-Jebel, about a hundred miles north of Albert Nyanza.
9 So far, 5,000 people who are qualified for compensation have been recorded in the Acholi sub region, the epicentre of the LRA's brutalities.
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