The first act in a play or film.
1To become a Christian is the most personal act one can perform.
2Odd how women can act one way while they're feeling another way!
3Elvis caught your act one night, right, and came back and saw you?
4By such an act one is said to increase Soma and the Ocean.
5Here Bhrigu says that by that act one gratifies the Creator.
6Those two characters who can't stand each other in act one?
7It taught me how to structure a story: act one, act two, act three.
8He came also to show men how to live-howto act one towards another.
9If you will not tell a lie in such a case, I shall act one.
10The focus of Hayward's act one is Giselle's fragility.
11I shall do some desperate act one of these days if I am kept idle.
12But I didn't like this act one little bit.
13It is not difficult to live a part, but often it is difficult to act one.
14Or maybe act one was when he brought it home, after I showed him my wings.
15Come now, the opening chorus of act one, and please this time keep on the key.
16He left the places unvisited for two weeks, then returned to learn the progress of act one.