Ainda não temos significados para "actual care".
1The actual care of horses themselves was also called into question.
2Therefore measurement of the actual care will be performed in a representative sample of 20 hospitals.
3This gap between recommended and actual care provides an opportunity to improve the value of health care for older adults.
4But there is a gulf between the rhetoric and policy around person-centred approaches and actual care delivery on the ground.
5The clinical context of our results should be examined by measuring the actual care in both countries preferably with quality indicators.
6The results show that standardized patients may be the method of choice in the assessment of the quality of actual care of doctors.
7Muehlenberg was, of course, a pastor there also, but in the division of labor, the actual care of the congregation was committed to Brunnholtz.
8Standing in their shoes and those of their families, I wanted decisions about their welfare to be made by those providing the actual care.
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