Ainda não temos significados para "address the assembly".
1Prayuth will travel to New York this week to address the assembly.
2He will address the assembly when it opens on Monday evening.
3Appellants and other claimants summoned, or hoping, to address the assembly.
4A committee was appointed to address the assembly of Connecticut on this interesting subject.
5I know, but I couldn't sit there and hear him address the assembly as 'gentlemen.'
6Was a great orator going to address the assembly?
7Denis Reilly, Tom Steele, and John Mitchel had spoken, when Meagher rose to address the assembly.
8Putin will address the assembly on Monday.
9He stood to address the assembly.
10When the sound shivered away she saw her father rise and address the assembly in his dry courtroom voice:
11I accompanied the men sent to warn me away, and after considerable parley I was permitted to address the assembly.
12Still, after the formal arguments any member was at liberty to rise to a question of privilege and address the assembly.
13Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, whose disputed re-election in June has sparked widespread protests in Iran, is due to address the assembly later.
14I asked him why it was that nowadays whenever I address the assembly at Antioch, the senators cough and talk among themselves.
15The chief of the two Landammänner present took his station in front, between the two-handed swords, and began to address the assembly.
16We are told by an eye-witness, Dr Lim Boon-keng, that when this ceremony was over, Sun Yat-sen turned to address the assembly.
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Address the assembly ao longo do tempo