Ainda não temos significados para "affect the others".
1Suddenly he wondered how this unexpected occurrence might affect the others.
2One arm cannot affect the others.
3The contagion of his spirit seemed to affect the others, to force them into desperate wagers, and thrill the lookers-on.
4Living in such intimacy as ours, no serious alteration could take place in any one of us which did not sympathetically affect the others.
5If loss comes to one man, or misfortune, it affects the others.
6The same relief, almost joyous, seemed to be affecting the others.
7And how their after-contact with John must have affected the others.
8His hilarity affected the others, and they broke into peal upon peal of laughter.
9Each affected the others, for they were deeply entangled.
10Her death must have affected the others deeply.
11But he didn't have the power of The Mog-ur, or perhaps the plant affected the Others differently.
12Nodes in the network interact; what you do to one affects the others and comes back to affect you.
13Food, water and energy are in short supply, but attempts to secure one of these resources often negatively affects the others.
14And so powerful was this obsession that it stole out of him like some hypnotic influence, affected the others, and gave him away.
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