These data suggest that sympathetic afferentfibers travel in the superficial subepicardium in an apex-to-base direction.
Despite the normal presence of Bdnf transcript, afferentfibers are disoriented near the organ of Corti.
We found gastric and duodenal vagal afferentfibers that respond to CCK and to intraluminal loads.
Outer hair cells (OHCs) are innervated by type II afferentfibers of as yet unknown function.
What cranial nerves contain afferentfibers?
Changes in multiple functions of primary afferentfibers were assessed and compared with a group of healthy control subjects.
Gastric and duodenal vagal afferentfibers increase their electrophysiological activity in relation to the mechanical presence of ingested nutrients.
Conclusions: The clear dose-response relationship in the brain response with increasing stimulus intensities probably reflects increased recruitment of afferentfibers.
Noxious stimuli are sensed and carried to the spinal cord dorsal horn by A delta and C primary afferentfibers.
CCK also activates vagal afferentfibers directly and modifies the response properties of vagal mechanosensitive fibers to gastric and duodenal loads.
Vagal afferentfibers travel deeper in the myocardium until they approach the atrioventricular groove, where they ascend to the superficial subepicardium.
The intracardiac pathways carrying the cardiovascular reflex responses mediated by cardiac sympathetic and vagal afferentfibers were examined in this study.
At the frog semicircular canals, the afferentfibers display high spontaneous activity (mEPSPs), due to transmitter release from hair cells.
We have shown that stimulation of cardiopulmonary sympathetic afferentfibers activates relays in upper cervical segments to suppress activity of lumbosacral spinal cells.
Specifically, it is unlikely that a hepatic portal vein glucose sensor signaling RYGB-induced increased intestinal gluconeogenesis to the brain depends on vagal afferentfibers.
We have begun to identify and characterize the locations and response profiles of vagal afferentfibers sensitive to CCK in the rat upper gastrointestinal tract.