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Significados de aggregated into em inglês
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Uso de aggregated into em inglês
Ten clinical and two patient-experience measures were aggregatedinto a composite measure.
The glands then became discoloured, and the previously contained granular matter was aggregatedinto larger masses.
The protoplasm within the cells of the twisted portions was aggregatedinto distinct though excessively minute purple spheres.
These latter cells are nearly spherical and of nearly equal sizes, and are aggregatedinto an irregular mass.
The grab bag of grievances that each senator brings are unlikely to be aggregatedinto a coherent political platform.
Its operations are aggregatedinto business segments on the basis of its products: bananas, other fresh produce and prepared food.
Those posts are then aggregatedinto public streams, offering a near real-time look at what's happening at a specific place.
The Company has three operating segments: Surface Mining, Underground Mining and International Mining, which are aggregatedinto the Mining segment.
FCMs were aggregatedinto a metamodel for analysis of the collective opinion it represented and to evaluate expected efficacy of treatments.
Cx36-puncta were seen either dispersed or aggregatedinto clusters on the surface of neurons, and were never found to occur intracellularly.
The question of artificial illumination has had much to do with the progress of the human race, particularly when aggregatedinto cities.
The physical world is regarded as being composed of between sixty and seventy chemical elements, aggregatedinto an infinite variety of combinations.
The liver when affected shows scattered foci of suppuration, which may become aggregatedinto spheroidal masses, surrounded by a zone of inflammation.
Some of the fibres are thickly covered with extremely minute spicula, occasionally aggregatedinto little tuffs; and hence they have a hairy appearance.
The glands of the longer and shorter hairs were then examined, and their contents found aggregatedinto granular matter of a brownish-green colour.
The Company's 44 homebuilding divisions are aggregatedinto six segments: East Region, South Central Region, Midwest Region, West Region, Southwest Region and Southeast Region.