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Uso de aircraftman em inglês
Lawrence was "to stop leading from the ranks, and confine himself to the duties of an aircraftman."
Out of those troops, 179 died there, among them senior aircraftman Chris Dunsmore, 29, who was killed in Basra in 2007.
Flight Lieutenant George Beban died in 1956 and Leading Aircraftman Ralph Scott died in 1960.
"Aircraftman Shaw, sir, interview before discharge," said the flight sergeant as Lawrence came smartly to attention.
Perhaps the single most infamous case concerned the death of Leading Aircraftman Ronald Maddison on May 6, 1953.
The two returning from Fiji are Secretarial Officer, Flight Lieutenant George Beban and Fireman Leading Aircraftman Ralph Scott who both died of natural causes.
Flight Lieutenant Beban died in 1956 at the age of 40, and Leading Aircraftman Scott in 1960, aged 28.