1This year, Peeler said growth would continue, albeit at a slower pace.
2In such cases, transport suspensions are also common, albeit for different reasons.
3Both factors significantly increased across 12 months, albeit at different assessment points.
4Cameron is tentatively taking a similar approach, albeit coming from the right.
5Ambition, though, is key to success everywhere, albeit in slightly different forms.
6This year, pubs are closed again, albeit for a much different reason.
7The election held up Spain's two-party system, albeit in a weakened state.
8That's one way to solve the storage problem, albeit a cumbersome one.
9It didn't have the new age, albeit familiar sound of good kid.
10A bit of good old-fashioned, one-on-one customer service is best, albeit safely.
11The MPC said the economy appeared to be growing again, albeit weakly.
12Both set out to win the game, albeit in very different ways.
13It definitely means plenty to England, albeit they try to downplay it.
14The serving style is simple yet elegant, albeit a traditional comfort food.
15But those countries still come to IGF and take part, albeit grumpily.
16What we require assistance with is a wholly different matter, albeit related.
Albeit nas variantes da língua