The morning of the transfinite aleph, the morning of light, the morning of the metaliving.
The Name.--Theuse of ''Adam'' (mem kamatz daleth kamatz aleph) as a proper name is an early error.
AHASUERUS (the Latinized form of the Hebrew shin vav resh tsareh vav shvah shin patach heth patach aleph; in LXX.
It was the same as the others he had seen, a strange cryptogram that might have been the Hebrew letter aleph crossed by another symbol.
Who remembered that Cantor called the first number of his transfinite series "aleph," after first having chosen "omega" and then realizing his mistake?
Uso de alef em inglês
SIGTRYG, Prince, betrothed of King Alef's daughter, aided by Hereward
Alef stepped aside and was silent.
His counsel is wise and when he wears the royal crown, Alef, and declares his will, he is the protector of his people.