1Wash landed sprawling upon their shoulders bearing both Aleuts to the ground.
2The Aleuts just paddle out in their kayaks and catch a wave.
3The Aleuts will not hurt you, now that they know we are friends.
4The eastern Eskimo are dolichocephalic, the western are less so, and the Aleuts brachycephalic.
5That is what is the matter with my Aleuts, then.
6The population consisted of Russians, Aleuts, and other Indians.
7There is nothing more graceful than one of these canoes when handled by expert Aleuts.
8They took the two most important Aleuts and put them in prison camps in Japan.
9Mostly Indians-youknow, Tlingits and Aleuts who'd been converted by the Russians hundreds of years ago.
10Rodd lived with the Aleuts who rescued him for five months while he regained his strength.
11The two Aleuts, with their driver, had been working only a few moments at the auger.
12The Aleuts lost their heads and dashed for hiding in the woods, only to find certain death.
13The Aleuts were the hunters and sealers.
14The population of Unalaska Island in 1900 was 575 Aleuts and 66 whites.
15They call themselves Aleuts, or Innuits.
16The whites talked the situation over and finally the oil man made the Aleuts an offer through the captive.