Broad in scope or content.
1Other writers attacked Montaigne's digressiveness, self-obsession and all-embracing doubt for similar reasons.
2Two months later came Alexander Butterfield's revelation of Nixon's all-embracing tape-recording system.
3That was the sole, the all-embracing light in which Jesus ever walked.
4Only so will the reality correspond to the initial and all-embracing grant.
5The sight of the bow cast Will into a dismal, all-embracing despair.
6We are born into a moral environment as into an all-embracing atmosphere.
7Or the opposite, those who inspired from all-embracing hearts, such as Dujek.
8Everywhere, all-embracing, these qualities are found at every point, in every place.
9No sign of man, no life, no gap in nature's all-embracing sway.
10Then in truth was heaven a fable, and hell an all-embracing fact!
11When again doth the all-embracing destruction come, into whom doth it merge?
12And then one must be musical in an all-embracing sense to attain it.
13It's deeper and blacker, an all-embracing poverty, deprived even of air and light.
14My totality of thought was precipitated to consciousness in a single all-embracing flash.
15The clearness of geometry showed Descartes that geometry is not all-embracing.
16Jesus had undoubtedly learned the pure ethics of this all-embracing appeal.