Ainda não temos significados para "almost babyish".
1He was embarrassed at the way he sounded: stilted, almost babyish.
2Her eyes were clear, grey, and open, almost babyish in their rounded innocence.
3They were simple words, childish words, almost babyish, but full of tenderness and love.
4Iso, meanwhile, stuck to the tried-and-true, almost babyish snacks like Pirate's Booty and frogurt.
5Guy's voice became soft, almost babyish in its complaints.
6She will never praise anything I do unless it is so simple as to be almost babyish.
7His face, because of its full, clear, big, inscrutable eyes, had an expression which was almost babyish.
8His hair had thinned, and receded from his temples, and the bold, almost babyish fulness of his temples was more evident.
9Never have I known anything so ludicrous as the contrast between my stupendous number tens and the dainty pumps that seemed almost babyish beside them.
10"Shit, you're bleeding!" The alarm on his face made him look almost babyish.
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