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Significados de almost birdlike em inglês
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Uso de almost birdlike em inglês
She began to keen, a low, terrified cry that was almostbirdlike.
She was unnaturally gaunt, almostbirdlike in appearance, with burnished gray-gold hair.
In the choir, his voice rang out with an almostbirdlike rapture that astonished all hearers.
The years since then had made her lean and given her face an almostbirdlike angularity.
Keelin's sweet almostbirdlike voice was comforting me.
It had slanting cheekbones, and almostbirdlike, snakelike eyes, handsome and Asiatic, yet oddly broad, and cruelly smiling.
She rubbed Ramona just beneath the chin and the cat let out an almostbirdlike mew accompanied by a thrumming purr of satisfaction.
Her body was small, almostbirdlike, her fine bones fragile, the skin so pale that Gavin could see the tracing of her veins.
He barely slowed the procession as he appeared, falling in beside Bunion, moving forward through the haze in an almostbirdlike manner, quick and restless.
They were both thin and small like Nicole, but seemed even more so-almostbirdlike under the load of mourning their only child.
"He is...well," the man answered, though he did not pause in his ongoing scrutiny, moving in a jerky and almostbirdlike fashion.