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Significados de almost obligatory em inglês
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Uso de almost obligatory em inglês
It feels almostobligatory to mention money as soon as you're saying anything about the NHS nowadays.
In the UK it is almostobligatory for a culture minister never to have attended an opera.
Windmill Beach Seeing the penguin colony at Boulders Beach is almostobligatory for any visitor to Cape Town.
There had been no consultation in our party, such as was customary and almostobligatory on important occasions.
Has the conception of the peripety, as an almostobligatory element in drama, any significance for the modern playwright?
And the problem is exacerbated by a working culture that promotes long working hours, and almostobligatory corporate bonding sessions after work.
It has become almostobligatory to blame September 11th for all ills but many tech firms were already facing a catastrophic slowdown.
Many no longer wore the surgical masks that have been almostobligatory in the city in the last week as residents feared infection.
Bregman lives in Utrecht, arguably Holland's most progressive city, where cycling is almostobligatory and motorists are effectively deemed guilty until proven innocent.
But on a crowded night it is almostobligatory to play if one has annexed a chair which many people would like to have.
From middle class Kabul residents to poor villagers in strife-torn provinces like Kandahar and Helmand, the mobile phone can seem an almostobligatory accessory.
It seems almostobligatory to wheel out old Lady Bracknell to bang the point home about how losing one manager is unfortunate and all that.
"Liar!" retorted Hyacinth, with the directness of speech that is not merely excusable, but almostobligatory, in the political profession; "the votes aren't counted yet.