Italian military branch specialized in old-weather warfare.
Examples for "julia"
Examples for "julia"
1Julia had asked her, but Emily hadn't given her an answer yet.
2He wanted to know what was wrong, and Julia resented the question.
3Julia Gillard was the Prime Minister of Australia until earlier this year.
4The deal still needs approval from regulators The BBC's Julia Caesar reports.
5Julia had come to Afghanistan because she wanted to help its people.
1He doesn't take the whole 'provisional ranger' thing very seriously, I'm afraid.
2What do you think of when you hear the words wildlife ranger?
3I hope I can be half as good a ranger as you.
4The ranger cut his sentence in two and slid from the saddle.
5The ranger said, Yes, he's back there, and that's where he'll stay.
1Security and elite forces are conducting an operation, he said.
2And McRaven also testified that his elite forces just love hunting networks of bomb-makers.
3Allen's elite forces have an impressive intelligence base to from.
4That essentially reverses Petraeus' campaign plan, which has accelerated raids by elite forces to degrade the Taliban.
5The KGB's elite forces, like our SEALs.
Translations for alpine brigade julia