Ainda não temos significados para "alter circumstances".
1And that freedom of spirit remained by him, notwithstanding his altered circumstances.
2What an overwhelming debt to that ill-used couple in their altered circumstances!
3But the disappearance of the Black Man and Jarles had altered circumstances.
4The altered circumstances of the Church led to the establishment of these regulations.
5Meanwhile the latter can acquaint the passengers with the altered circumstances.
6Two Frogs in the belly of a snake were considering their altered circumstances.
7She had dreaded the return there, and the confession of her altered circumstances.
8And why should you deplore your altered circumstances, my dear lady?
9To wear a gold watch and chain would be absurd in my altered circumstances.
10But it was no longer suited for the altered circumstances.
11It is a hard trial, but I shall conform to our altered circumstances cheerfully.
12I trust, Monsieur Douaille, that you appreciate the altered circumstances.
13He had, after all, that nobility of soul which altered circumstances could not affect.
14Secretary Hay did not, however, yield to these altered circumstances.
15His fictional alter ego, Roy, is present throughout the book, but in radically altered circumstances.
16The father told me that, under the altered circumstances, the engagement must be considered broken.