Ainda não temos significados para "american educator".
1About the Author Esther Wojcicki is a leading American educator, journalist, and mother.
2Such training is attracting the attention of the American educator to-day as never before.
3In the hands of French, English, and American educators the original manual-arts idea has been greatly expanded.
4The matchless story of Booker Washington, the American educator, is told in many tongues and in many lands.
5A statue of Mary McCleod Bethune, an African- American educator and civil rights pioneer from Florida, will replace it.
6He also put across the Red, White, and Blue Textbook, written by American educators to prove that Germany provoked the war.
7Charles Waddell Chesnutt (1858-1932)-African-Americaneducator, lawyer, and activist-wasthe most prominent black prose author of his day.
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