Family of personal computers sold by Commodore.
1Baltasar is sure to be there with his amiga.
2I have an amiga in Florence that has arranged for you to have a housingsafe treatment not far from home.
3But in 1985, one of the biggest rivalries was Atari vs. Amiga.
4The laughable renderings the company provided were obviously worked out on an Amiga.
5And it looks like it's been drawn on an Amiga 500?
6But as the Amiga's first big system-seller, its legacy is secure.
7IAM produces a variety of products for the Amiga platform.
8He then tried the break signal-theAmiga key and the character B pressed simultaneously.
9Many have been Amiga devotees since the brand was introduced by Commodore in 1985.
10For a hundred grand we could buy every computer cop in America an Amiga.
11There are also active Amiga forums on BIX, GEnie, and CIX (England).
12Originally called Total Wormage, the game is another enduring franchise created on the Amiga.
13Since it played best using a mouse, Lemmings was very clearly tailored to the Amiga.
14Here's a look at some of the more innovative entries in the Amiga game canon.
15ESCOM is to sell its Amiga computer division to a Chicago based interactive TV developer.
16On CompuServe, type GO AMIGA to get to CBMNET and get the following welcome menu: