1Behold the worm and the Ammophila face to face beneath the bell-glass.
2The Ammophila sleeps extended in space by virtue of her mighty jaws.
3The Ammophila obtains it by compressing the cerebral ganglia, by munching the neck.
4The Hairy Ammophila, among others, affords us an excellent example of this method.
5It is exactly the same structure which we saw in the Ammophila's Grey Worm.
6The Hairy Ammophila affords us an even better example.
7We will begin with the Hairy Ammophila, my neighbour.
8I present Jules' Ammophila with a slender, brownish Looper which I caught on the jasmine.
9The Ammophila's triumphant transports beside her wounded and writhing victim are also subject to exceptions.
10This is so in particular with the Grey Worm, the sacrificial victim of the Hairy Ammophila.
11These include the Languedocian Sphex, with her Ephippiger, and the Hairy Ammophila, with her Grey Worm.
12The single stroke of the Scolia is no less wonderful than the repeated strokes of the Ammophila.
13After protracted refusals the Sandy Ammophila (A. sabulosa, FAB.
14For other varieties of the Ammophila, cf.
15The Hairy Ammophila, operating on her caterpillar, likewise recoils, but progressively, from one segment to the next.
16Two species, the Silky Ammophila (A. holoserica, FAB.)
Translations for ammophila