Continuing in the same way.
Examples for "etc"
Examples for "etc"
1Violence is often entirely about power -preserving it, ensuring it, etc.
2Equal pay for equal work, freedom of choice, ending violence against women,etc.
3There were arrows everywhere, indicating 'To Bialystok', 'To Baranovichi', 'To Volokovysk', etc.
4You know, kinematics, newton's second law etc... Matter and Interactions is different.
5The economic value of livestock includes meat, dairy products, fiber, fertilizer etc.
1So, just keeping up with the population growth, then chronic diseases etcetera.
2So they can tuck that away - improvements to be had, etcetera.
3Virtually all our sales are now in twenty-four-hour increments-businessmenat conferences, etcetera.
4They advance money on the crops, and charge high interest, commissions, etcetera.
5Every single relic has been photographed, recorded on video, described, studied, classified, etcetera.
1You need to look for great products and so on, he said.
2Guns, the Second Amendment, the right to bear arms, and so on?
3Top of New York bestseller list, 300 million copies and so on.
4The second is the improvement of existing products, processes, and so on.
5Some practical categories are Food, Home & Garden, Fashion and so on.
1The grocer, the pork-butcher, drysalter, stationer, tea-merchant, et caetera -theysit on me.
2Then, too, I shall be independent, and can do just as I like, and when I like, et caetera, et caetera.
3I think Major Worth might like them; and after all the awful stuff we have had, you know, et caetera, et caetera.
4Mrs. Mountstuart is bewildered: she says she expected you, and that you did not excuse yourself to her, and she cannot comprehend, et caetera.
5It may be an acutely conscious mouse, yet it is a mouse, while the other is a man, and therefore, et caetera, et caetera.
1They lost all of their future income at those companies, et cetera.
2Single witness, at night, from a fair distance, cross-racial ID, et cetera.
3We did an X-ray, and saw no wires, timers, caps, et cetera.
4I have the honor, your excellency, to be, et cetera, et cetera.
5She chose her own clients, her own motels, her schedule, et cetera.
2And nothing, besides, could afford more subject of ridicule, than an oath which contained an " et cætera," in the midst of it.
3The grocer, the pork-butcher, drysalter, stationer, tea-merchant, et caetera -theysit on me.
4'Composure,' ' Et Cætera,' and several more, are merely similes poetically elaborated.
5Out of school hours, it is Christian names all round-Matthew ,Emile ,Adolf ,Emilio ,Giulio ,Robert ,Marcel ,Franz ,etcaetera.
1Sailors in the Chamber,-viz. ,inthe Admiralty,-colonizersin the Chamber, etc., etc.
2The lawyer with initiative and brains became an indispensable factor, etc., etc.
3Make sure computers, TV's, etc., are unplugged to prevent internal hardware failures.
4You majestically wonder that with four women in the house, etc., etc.
5Congratulations to both these talented writers.- Yours etc., Pembroke Road, Dublin 4.
1The council said No: area of outstanding natural beauty and so forth.
2I will also need performance data, test flight records, and so forth.
3For the irony, the comment on the world market, and so forth.
4The furniture and so forth of the house was then very poor.
5These included exhaling the smoke in little globes, rings and so forth.
6Why open up the argument about direction or nondirection and so forth?
7Sunday's people live on Sunday only; Monday's, on Monday, and so forth.
8They cross the large waters into the promised land, and so forth.
9It's of little help, a little help perhaps-inhousebreaking and so forth.
10They are not down on all fours and so forth, Holtz said.
11That killer also numbered his victims one of five, and so forth
12General Garcia desired to know who were his neighbors, and so forth.
13Maddest, merriest day of all the glad New Year and so forth.
14It goes towards the building of battleships, cruisers, gunboats and so forth.
15It was football for you, gladiators for the Romans, and so forth.
16It is governed by mortal impulse, moods, personal attraction, and so forth.
Translations for and so forth