Fishes having large mouths with a wormlike filament attached for luring prey.
Examples for "angler"
Examples for "angler"
1Recently I met Nicholas Plaatjies, his great grandson, also an expert angler.
2Novice angler events deemed to increase participation in angling will also benefit.
3A fellow angler from France lost the sound system from his vehicle.
4Photo: Waikaremoana Holiday Park A really keen angler at Waikaremoana Holiday Park.
5Sir, it was that length; and the angler put finger to wrist.
1Lotte Mart has asked to address the issue, the spokesman said.
2Lotte Group said it welcomed the court's decision to release its chairman.
3Lotte Duty Free declined to comment further as the investigation was ongoing.
4Lotte Chemical Titan did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
5Lotte, I said, bending down to her, or maybe I said, Darling.
1In general, we like firmer fillets, such as red snapper or monkfish.
2Add monkfish, spray with olive oil and brown on all sides.
3Nine fifteen, and Justo unloads an appalling heap of monkfish into the sink.
4Pour in the boiling stock and arrange the monkfish and seafood on top.
5A succulent piece of monkfish in a tasty sauce rests on the plate.
1The hormonal trigger of the anglerfish is replaced by something more complex.
2Take anglerfish, monsters that live in the coldest, deepest seas.
3If they come close enough, the anglerfish will strike.
4She lived with jellyfish and eels and anglerfish, so Hephaestus didn't look so bad to her.
5Like your hubby, male anglerfish are minute.
1Slightly more compelling is a distinction between the angler fish example and the other two.
2The prey fish are indeed choosing the most 'attractive' angler fish for breeding, via the indirect route of choosing them for survival by feeding them!
3Late summer brings butterfly enthusiasts to the spit, while anglers fish from the park's shores and small bridges.
4Many anglers fish up stream, but the surest way to secure a mess of trout is with the Current.
5US researchers have released a video of what they say is the very first footage of the Black Sea Devil Angler Fish.
6The Angler Fish, The Vampire Squid, and The Stoplight Slackjaw Dragonfish are all highlighted in the deep sea theater and in large scale models.
Translations for angler fish