Ainda não temos significados para "angry expostulation".
1A voice was raised in angry expostulation, followed by other voices morose and threatening.
2Dr. Beaumont turned on his nephew a look of angry expostulation, which stung him to the soul.
3At the hittim, with much angry expostulation and firmness of decision, the following mob are barred entrance to our room.
4The Chiûjiô spoke not a word lest he should betray himself, but making a pretended angry expostulation, he drew his sword.
5Kind admonition, stern reproof, angry expostulation, all have failed with this young man, in whom I cannot help feeling a strong interest.
6A laughing remark from Hamish would do more to put Dan right than any amount of angry expostulation or silent forbearance from her.
7Paying no heed to her angry expostulations, he forced his way in.
8He had to work for its realization against an extraordinary outburst of angry expostulations.
9The angry expostulations of Mr. Tyrrel suggested new ideas to the tender mind of Miss Melville.
10Seeing the deadly fire in Basil's eye, I flew to him and plied him with prayers and angry expostulations.
11"What the devil's this?" came in a tone of angry expostulation from above the collar of the figure.
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