The acetylene enters the head in an annularspace surrounding the oxygen tube.
The air that traverses this conduit is distributed through the annularspace between the piston and cylinder.
The apparatus consists of two concentric vessels having an annularspace between them of a few centimeters.
At the lower part of the annularspace, R', are placed fragments of sponge impregnated with alcohol.
The worm, S carries, at Ro', an expansion cock and ends, at O in the annularspace, R'.
Surrounding the center nozzle of the injector is an annularspace through which high pressure steam passes, also into the furnace.
Such tuyeres connect with an annularspace in which, where a blast is used, the air pressure is controlled by a blower.
The ceiling was broken by a series of beams radiating unevenly from one annularspace, in all directions, and with no apparent design.
The gas, which enters at e, is made to pass up through the inner tube and down through the annularspace to the burner.
The gaseous mixture before passing through the annularspace thus attains such a temperature that on escaping from the orifice its combustion is greatly promoted.
The steam and water chambers were annularspaces of small cross section and contained approximately 33 cubic inches.