Ainda não temos significados para "anti-immigrant stance".
1Scott Walker have shifted to a more anti-immigrant stance as they jostle in a crowded primary race.
2Mr Trump had a strong anti-immigrant stance, promising to build a "great wall" at the border with Mexico.
3Law and Justice's anti-immigrant stance looks likely to set it at odds with the European Commission over migrant quotas in future.
4The AfD, which first gained popularity with its opposition to bailouts for indebted euro zone countries, has also adopted an anti-immigrant stance.
5Salvini's anti-immigrant stance has resonated with Italians and the League emerged as the second largest force in parliament at elections in March.
6Bulgaria, the EU's poorest country, has taken an anti-immigrant stance even though it has a rapidly aging population and a low birth rate.
7This is already observable in the anti-immigrant stances of some of the candidates in the current election.
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