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Significados de appraised value em inglês
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Uso de appraised value em inglês
It said the awards committee disclosed the appraisedvalue, which served as the floor price, the day after.
Lehmann's finally bought the liquor for a little less than half of its appraisedvalue of eighteen thousand.
HBC Executive Chairman Richard Baker said WeWork is paying a 30 percent premium to the building's last appraisedvalue.
Its appraisedvalue was $30 million.
Doing this is difficult for mortgage-seekers because banks typically require that the purchase price match the appraisedvalue of the house.
Christie's said 11 pieces on display at the museum account for 75 percent of the appraisedvalue.
The tender, however, was declared a failure after both firms purportedly submitted bids lower than the property's appraisedvalue, SM Prime said.
By last year, its appraisedvalue had fallen to $723,771, although it was not clear why.
In either event, we will share in either her appraisedvalue if the Navy takes her or in her sale price if sold.
Christie's was hired to appraise part of the museum's collection, but Orr said the auction house has not yet delivered an appraisedvalue.
Fred, then about fifteen years old, was taken at the appraisedvalue of $400 by a son of the deceased Reel.
He added that WeWork, which provides shared workspace for entrepreneurs and startups, is paying a 30 percent premium to the building's last appraisedvalue.
It cost two hundred thousand dollars-morethan the appraisedvalue of the two thousand hovels of the crowd that now trample upon its polished steps.
A three-day auction of art, antiques and serving items resulted in a recovery of less than one-quarter the $8 million appraisedvalue, according to documents.
The assets include loans with total unpaid principal of $529 million and properties with an appraisedvalue of about $211 million.
The rating agency has noted that the trust's portfolio of net lettable area has a total appraisedvalue of around S$1.8 billion.