Ainda não temos significados para "arabic figures".
1Among the Western Arabs, the ancient Arabic figures are used, viz.
2Gerbert, who became later Pope Sylvester II, is said to have given us our present Arabic figures.
3The Arabic figures can be made by drawing round the number groups, or by laying out their shapes in little sticks.
4In numerical statements the comma separates Arabic figures by triplets in classes of hundreds: $5,276,492.72.
5(The Arabic figures refer to the pages of the Text; the Roman figures to the Plates.)
6Arabic figures are to be used rather than Roman; but small capitals may be used after the names of sovereigns, princes, and popes.
7I have a set of four dice, not marked with spots in the ordinary way, but with Arabic figures, as shown in the illustration.
8Dates and numerical designations, such as the number of a house, may be written in Arabic figures, but quantities should be expressed in words.
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