Any of various strong liquors distilled from the fermented sap of toddy palms or from fermented molasses.
1It is not uncommon for arak to contain dangerous amounts of methanol.
2His prawns with arak and tomato is one of my favourite dishes.
3Col says, I have drank arak in the past as well.
4As the traditional Balinese drink, many tourists visiting want to give arak a try.
5Bring up some cognac and arak, Tai, he added as he rose from the table.
6He sat down beside me on the stairs and poured arak from a copper flask.
7Never drink arak -or Balinese moonshine unless you want a trip to the local hospital.
8We asked Balinese to stop buying unlabelled arak until we find what exactly caused the deaths, Sugianyar told Reuters.
9This contaminated batch of arak was distributed to shops and roadside stalls in four different districts of Bali, police said.
10What they didn't know was that instead of vodka they were drinking arak, a locally-brewed spirit laced with deadly methanol.
11I belted a medley from the musical Grease alongside Danny Zuko and Sandy Olsen, and took a shot of arak.
12The practice of swapping arak for other alcohols in drinks to increase profit margins can be common practice in some areas.
13Being a clear substance, some bartenders may swap a vodka drink for arak because it will cost the bar a lot less.
14The New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs has warned travellers that arak, a distilled palm wine used in cocktails, can contain methanol.
15In 2009 a batch of the local spirit arak was cut with methanol and killed 25 people.
16Sylvester says people can be attracted to arak because it can give them a cheap night out with plenty of bang for their buck.