The first sign of the zodiac which the sun enters at the vernal equinox; the sun is in this sign from about March 21 to April 19.
Examples for "ram"
Examples for "ram"
1Michael said the ram team will be quite similar to last year.
2Roux put it to him several times to ram the point home.
3Here was the opportunity to ram home China's new found global influence.
4And therefore might actually have two of her ships ram Boyens's battleship?
5The enigmas will ram targets if all other methods of attack fail.
1In the first year, none of the 10 O. aries recipients was diagnosed pregnant.
2Forty-five minutes later, the Aries-1B lunar carrier pulled away from the Station.
3I vote for pacing yourself, Aries, and for really getting into it.
4Rival American hurdler Aries Merritt summed up the disappointment among fellow competitors.
5There is a happy medium, Aries: don't be too hard on yourself.
1(For example: Aries , the ram of spring, exalts the Sun and welcomes its return from winter darkness.)
Translations for aries the ram