1He had expected the art studies to produce no such impression as this.
2The Camellia Buds pursued their art studies that afternoon with a certain abstraction.
3In 1829 Mr. Morse went abroad for the purpose of completing his art studies.
4An original line of art studies printed in full rich colors on high grade paper.
5I'm to go on with my art studies there.
6And these astonishingly proved to be enlarged stills of Clifford Armytage, the art studies of Lowell Hardy.
7This is how we used to look at pictures in the early stages of our Munich art studies.
8I went on with my art studies and the science of chemistry; though I went no further in heliochromy.
9I shall be sorry to go, too, for I had intended to torment you continually about your art studies.
10He always finished his art studies of Merton with great care, and took pains to have the artist's signature entirely legible.
11They joined Mrs. Brown in a month and went back to Kentucky with her, leaving Judy and Kent to continue their art studies in Paris.
12Kashani, a self-taught artist and curator, set up the centre in 2009 to counter the "dearth of contemporary art studies" in Iranian universities.
13Dyer went to Rome to pursue his art studies and, on his return in 1740, published his "Ruins of Rome" in blank verse.
14Kashani, a self-taught artist and curator, set up the center in 2009 to counter the "dearth of contemporary art studies" in Iranian universities.
15The New Yorker, April 21, 1928 P. 17 Perhaps the lady in question is tired of seeing roto- art studies of Coolidge in the paper.
16Linda Tyler is the Director of the Centre for Art Studies at The University of Auckland.