Hobby using hands to make small-scale objects.
Examples for "crafting"
Examples for "crafting"
1The group said it is crafting specific directives on five key areas.
2Congress has partially addressed the issue while crafting new cyber security legislation.
3Bernanke said he was not directly involved in crafting the loan terms.
4Make sure that you know your numbers ahead of crafting your strategy.
5Today at her South Auckland rest home, she's crafting a pink cardigan.
1The nicety of his own handicraft was the cause of the disaster.
2Now, thanks to a handicraft project, they can't get enough of them.
3Some of them took up at once a civil trade or handicraft.
4For thousands of handicraft traders who live off tourism, life is harder.
5There's a good market for that kind of handicraft work today.
1Historical Society to see their exhibition of Early American arts & crafts.
2There were exhibitors and vendors aplenty providing delicious foods, creative arts & crafts, clothing and much more.
3Good to see Arts & Crafts dude Jeffrey Remedios on that list, though.
4Reckon comes out Sept. 25 on Arts & Crafts.
5New album will be released later this year on Arts & Crafts by the sound of things.
1Pritt Any glue stick that's used for arts and crafts is Pritt.
2Earn Money Online Do you have a passion for arts and crafts?
3Mega Brands makes construction toys, games and puzzles and arts and crafts.
4She governs the arts and crafts, music and dance, poetry and writing.
5There will be gardening workshops, arts and crafts demonstrations and street entertainment.
6Elsewhere, Camilla sat at a table with young children making arts and crafts.
7There is also food, drinks and various arts and crafts stalls.
8We had a proposal picnic with an arts and crafts ring.
9Hence quaintness, arts and crafts, cottage architecture, and all the rest of it.
10It's a bit more arts and crafts, a bit more hippyish.
11Upstairs you'll find a gift shop featuring local arts and crafts.
12The development of the arts and crafts brought a new industrial class into existence.
13At 4th Street and Avenue C is the exhibition of Chinese arts and crafts.
14Under the program, these children are taught arts and crafts and are fed snacks.
15Their development of the arts and crafts has never been equalled in the modern time.
16Next stop: the arts and crafts section, where she selected an Alex Brands jewelry-making set.
Translations for arts and crafts