South African plant widely cultivated for its showy pure white spathe and yellow spadix.
Examples for "calla"
Examples for "calla"
1The treatment of this is similar to that of the common calla.
2A South American plant with simple white flowers that resemble calla lilies.
3He leaned from his saddle and handed her a single calla lily.
4A lovely bouquet of white roses, calla lilies, and jasmine, lay within.
5He stepped forward crunching the lilies, the stout white calla lilies, underfoot.
1He leaned from his saddle and handed her a single calla lily.
2He was a calla lily, pure and white, meant for solitude and death.
3A calla lily in a vase is a beautiful creation; so is a single rose.
4Describes her castle-like home with its calla lily motif.
5Resembles an enormous burgundy calla lily.
1The common white arum lily is Zantedeschia aethiopica, although it has no connection with Ethiopia.
1Much more use of the arum lily should be made for a number of reasons.
2The common white arum lily is Zantedeschia aethiopica, although it has no connection with Ethiopia.
3You look like a long white arum lily.
4He turned suddenly from that gloomy contemplation of the arum lily, and met her face to face.
5I became irresolute, drifting for a month round that slagheap sun, the ship like a wounded arum lily.
6But a mercenary arum lily!
7In its native South Africa, the arum lily is mostly found in marshy ground, wet rocky ground or damp woodland edge.
8The soil does not usually freeze below about five centimetres and this is the key to the survival of the arum lily.
9Against this decision Alice said nothing, and, like a tall arum lily, she had grown in the convent from girl to womanhood.
10Also on a table stood a great bowl of arum lilies.
11The deep hearth was filled with arum lilies and azalias, like a font at Easter.
12Arum lily can grow in water to about 30cm deep and this protects it from cold.
13Nina wears a new belted dress and holds a bouquet of white arum lilies from Latvia.
14All around was a tableland of lush grass with marigolds and arum lilies instead of daisies and buttercups.
15Dignified Arabs stalked by, bearing on nobly poised heads pots of growing rose-bushes or arum lilies, or azaleas.
16I obtained a similar marked diminution of response with the flower-stalk of Arum lily, on lowering the temperature to zero.
Translations for arum lily