Ainda não temos significados para "as baffled".
1I mentioned the crisis to Jack, who was as baffled as I.
2Fitzhugh remarked that he did not feel uncomfortable so much as baffled.
3Both critics of and advocates for the private-security industry were just as baffled.
4A character who is as baffled and lost as you are.
5Or are you as baffled by what's going on as me?
6Tories and Peers especially were enraged, and regarded themselves as baffled.
7Sound and health experts are just as baffled as investigators.
8Still as baffled as you are. Eph crossed his arms.
9His expression confirmed that he was as baffled as her.
10The Phelan are as baffled as we are about why their sun blew up.
11I leave feeling as baffled as when I arrived.
12Ames listened thoughtfully but was as baffled as Tom.
13But not all authorities are as baffled by the crime as the ones Bowden dealt with.
14Always, in spite of everything, the messages indicated that the police were as baffled as before.
15Stephanie looked up at her parents, both of whom were clearly as baffled as she was.
16And when I brought it up with Tom-calmly ,matter-of-factly- hewasjustas baffled as I was.
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