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Meanings of as militant in inglês
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Usage of as militant in inglês
We've always had problems with this lot because they're asmilitant as they come.
Every party supports the protest, with their Tory MP asmilitant as the rest.
His father, Kenneth, was just asmilitant in his non-smoking.
None of them are asmilitant as Whiplash's tyrannical band leader, Terence Fletcher, though.
Israel refused to send back officials to Egyptian-brokered talks in Cairo as long asmilitant attacks continued.
They were asmilitant as the brethren of the Society for the Suppression of Sacrilege and Heresy.
Both started out asmilitant young firebrands and learnt over the years that there was a better way.
Although the IWFL described itself asmilitant, members did not engage in militant activity during its early years.
Like Booker T. Washington, he felt that it could not afford to be asmilitant as was necessary.
For Pakistanis worried about bread and butter issues like inflation as well asmilitant violence, the argument rang hollow.
It does not include those who have been released earlier or journalists taken by non-state entities such asmilitant groups.
It urged Americans to be vigilant asmilitant groups "may possibly utilise similar methods used in the recent Paris attacks".
Hence women's studies was from the start flash-frozen at that early stage of ideology, which might be described asmilitant social environmentalism.
Australian university students have been urged to leave Hong Kong asmilitant students clash with police during major protests in the city.
The bloody assault comes asmilitant attacks have increasingly shifted beyond the Sinai deep into Egypt's heartland, often targeting minority Coptic Christians.
Members of the latter class are known asmilitant socialists, as opposed to those who disavow violence and rely chiefly upon political weapons.