Used in negative statement to describe a situation that has existed up to this point or up to the present time.
Examples for "yet"
Examples for "yet"
1It's a really good question, I don't have a good answer yet.
2Evidently, no 'complete solution' to the 'Jewish problem' was yet in sight.
3Europe has yet to come up with comprehensive rules for financial reform.
4Europe has yet to implement its swap execution facility rules, for example.
5The moment was too good; I wasn't quite ready to leave yet.
1Yet, this system received hitherto only little attention in the medical literature.
2This time, however, their reunion was more brief and passionate than hitherto.
3The state has taken over municipalities which the HDP had hitherto run.
4However, human mutations in CENPI causing SSNS have not been reported hitherto.
5We have recently been spoilt with hitherto unseen footage from historical events.
1Barack Obama went into more detail than heretofore about his economic policies.
2The passage of goods in bond through the respective territories as heretofore.
3The heretofore-recognized Government of the United States of Venezuela has been subverted.
4But she would not occupy the rooms she had lived in heretofore.
5The unrest in which her face had heretofore been clouded had disappeared.
1Progress on problem loans was far from adequate so far, he said.
2Separately, Li said Geely's car sales look good so far this year.
3This brings to 41 the number of cases so far this year.
4Continued EU funding is therefore necessary to consolidate progress so far made.
5However, she has so far said the government will not get involved.
1This latter view also explains part of the market reaction thus far.
2Four children are under one year, all with normal milestones thus far.
3Yes, that really was his only break in the case thus far.
4Limited sanctions, however, have thus far failed to stop Tehran's nuclear ambitions.
5This work aims to compile and discuss the data published thus far.
1Quite different from the New York I have seen up to now.
2The European Commission has up to now confirmed four cases against Google.
3Of course, I'm very proud to still be continuing up to now.
4Stage III was up to now performed in 57 patients without mortality.
5The company has not been a prominent political spender up to now.
1Not ambiguous, like those of the Lord he'd served up ' til now.
2I never had sense til now; your syllables have cleft me.
3But then again, I haven't answered questions like this ' til now.
4Up til now, this could only be done with a few materials -usually silicon.
5He certainly does - and because of that his career has been rehabilitated bit-by-bit til now.
1That has made finding a solution to the crisis impossible until now.
2France had until now only struck Islamic State targets in neighboring Iraq.
3However, no information has been reported about this distinctive process until now.
4Some euro zone central bankers considered such measures highly undesirable until now.
5I wasn't sure I'd even come to the right place until now.
1The department said yesterday that no decision had been taken as yet.
2Men who are truly powerful, however, view threats as yet another vulnerability.
3I marked this as yet another possible vulnerability in the prosecutor's case.
4But Vilsack said there was no need for such action as yet.
5A great deal of what was as yet unspoken fell into place.
6Mr Putin has as yet no serious personal rivals as Russia's leader.
7However, overweight is not considered serious enough to jeopardize life as yet.
8We have no estimate of the likely cost as yet, he said.
9There have been endless talking points but as yet no turning point.
10We're just not there as yet; there's still a bit of doubt.
11Yet I felt our relations had reached as yet no satisfactory conclusion.
12No information on his identity has been released by authorities, as yet.
13Only the borders with the Netherlands and Belgium are as yet unaffected.
14On the ground lay the saddle-bags and the rifle; as yet unmolested.
15This points to an essential, as yet unknown function of this globin.
16We have not got an agreement as yet but talks will continue.
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