Ainda não temos significados para "ask the favor".
1So 'tis for my sake, not his, that I ask the favor.
2May I ask the favor that you will read them with attention?
3So if we can do anything further for you, just ask the favor.
4If you are Ducem Barr, I ask the favor of conversation.
5I felt that it was so, and for that reason I ask the favor.
6He determined to call that evening on Mr. Preston, and ask the favor indicated.
7As a man-youunderstand-hecould not ask the favor.
8May I ask the favor of your name?
9I say simply that if you refuse he will probably ask the favor of some one else.
10Let me add that I would not ask the favor but that my health and strength are failing fast.
11I have, therefore, to ask the favor of you to order the dies to be engraved with all the despatch practicable.
12I meant to ask the favor of you to have it sent to him, as I was ignorant how to do it.
13I do not ask the favor because I wish you to act the part of a spy, but simply for my own gratification.
14Signor Vice-governatore, I ask the favor of one moment's private conference; Signor Vito Viti, give us leave a single moment, if you please.
15He feared to ask the favor himself, for he thought Jesus was a Jew who would not like to have dealings with the Romans.
16Yet this maiden was not one of whom he could ask the favor that he craved, nor to whom he could offer any return.
Esta colocação é formada por:
Ask the favor ao longo do tempo
Ask the favor nas variantes da língua