Pronounce not guilty of criminal charges.
1At least our own priests will assoil us for such sins.
2But far beyond these recent associations of a single winter (for which heaven assoil thee!)
3And then he kneeled down on his knee, and prayed the Bishop to shrive him and assoil him.
4And then he kneeled down on his knees, and prayed the bishop to shrive him and assoil him.
5God assoil thee, brother mine.
7God will not speak to them, or assoil them, on the day of the Resurrection: and theirs shall be a grievous torment.
8Then said Sir Reginald: But if thou assoil not the King and all other standing in the curse it shall cost thee thy life.
9I ask and require thee that thou assoil me from the bond of the reproof and shame, or certainly upon the earth keep me.
10Is it that the world has assoiled my soul?
11Whatever hap to him, my conscience is assoiled.
12Come, thou must be assoiled out of hand.
13Since heaven itself has assoiled you.
149 She soundly slept, and careful thoughts did quite assoil.
15Then Lancelot makes his confession to the hermit as we have already related, is assoiled, and repents him greatly.
16Of the ladies with whose encounters with the law I propose to deal several were assoiled of the charges against them.
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