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Significados de assure people em inglês
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Uso de assure people em inglês
I can assurepeople that Kenya is safe to come to, definitely.
The Vanuatu government moved to assurepeople of local safety standards.
I tend to assurepeople that the physical commitment isn't as rigorous as it seems.
We hope this will help assurepeople that Japan is a fantastic destination for a holiday.
And they assurepeople that they only rule in the name of good sense and benevolence.
But I assurepeople that it truly isn't.
I can assurepeople that every review will take into account people's individual circumstances and the availability of alternative accommodation.
After all, an all-black tour of hip-hop musician wouldn't feel obligated to assurepeople that they are not dissing whites.
New Zealand and Australia have worked in tandem to assurepeople in the two countries that their bank deposits are safe.
In a thriving community there are strong bonds that assurepeople know each other and can work together for a collective good.
The Privacy Commissioner wants to assurepeople that his office is helping health authorities understand the risks of using technology to conquer Covid-19.
The Samoa government is moving to assurepeople their travel plans to the United States should not be affected by recent immigration changes.
Now I have to try and redeem myself on the field and assurepeople this is the end of these sorts of incidents.
Chad's health minister declared a meningitis epidemic last week and went on national radio to assurepeople the government would start a vaccination programme.
It will provide a uniformed "visible presence" to help assurepeople, particularly those living in sheltered or other vulnerable forms of accommodation.
I believe he wanted to put the icing on the cake and show he had democratic inclinations and wanted to assurepeople he was serious.