Ancient religious practice.
1 A Libra and an Aqaurius, they also had the auspice of astrology breezing around them.
2 My little heroine, Jerry Carroway, is engaged as their factotum, and every auspice is favorable.
3 How could it-'JohnnyDromore duce, et auspice Johnny Dromore!'
4 Surely their evil auspice was only with Allah.
5 The competition was held under the auspice of the Irish Trout Fly Fishing Association (Itffa).
6 The good spirits are mild, (But) there is no noise, no insolence : - An auspice (this) of great longevity.
7 When, Billy duce et auspice Billy, the gang played at pirates or Red Indians, it was pitiful to watch their ignorant endeavours.
8 But if you wish to make sure whether it is a good auspice or a bad, you kill the spider and count its legs.
9 I have already told the story of my one ill - auspiced venture Hillside.
10 I must have the History of all previous Bond Issues under the same Auspices .
11 Auspices , prohibition of use of, after August.
12 Auspices of the War of 1812
13 Auspice il Ministero della Publica Istruzione.
14 "'"Nil desperandum, Teucro duce, et auspice Teucro."
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