Ainda não temos significados para "autarch".
1In fact, on occasion the Autarch's suppressions had been more Draconian still.
2Was this cairn building one of the marks of the Autarch's hand?
3But don't return here, mystif, while the Autarch is still breathing.
4He was a perfect emptiness, and the only man the Autarch completely trusted.
5The Autarch drew his own chair up closer to the man.
6The Autarch opened his eyes, angered to find the hallucination still hanging around.
7The Autarch rose from his chair, his hand covering his mouth.
8This was all part of the Autarch's plan, he said.
9And in the space of two months she takes over as the Autarch's wife?
10The Autarch left Concupiscentia to babble on and dispatched his bodyguard to locate Rosengarten.
11The Autarch watched the crawling man's despair and despaired himself.
12Unless the Autarch just stole artists from the Fifth Dominion.
13A twitch of a smile returned to the Autarch's face.
14The age of the Autarch Sartori was over, and no new age had yet begun.
15Perhaps its reputation was the Autarch's invention, his way of keeping its gifts for himself.
16They'll be afraid, once they realize the Autarch's gone.