Ainda não temos significados para "authoritative manner".
1When Hendry next spoke he did so in a sullenly, authoritative manner.
2You bring the other things. He spoke rapidly, and in an authoritative manner.
3The detective had that authoritative manner which awes the youthful mind.
4There was something attractive in her new acquaintance's unconsciously authoritative manner.
5Elgar felt himself oppressed by the artist's stern and authoritative manner.
6He had the authoritative manner Stephen had spoken of, and a great deal of gesture.
7His authoritative manner was, I must say, not unimpressive.
8Come, Drusilla, she said, with her easy, authoritative manner.
9He spoke rapidly, and in an authoritative manner.
10But these investigations do not pretend to depth, nor are they presented in any authoritative manner.
11Vessons was surprised at his quick, authoritative manner.
12His name was Lybrmon, and he had an unassuming and authoritative manner that the bishop found reassuring.
13His authoritative manner identified him as Naraya.
14To be told, in this authoritative manner, that she was wicked was a new and delightful experience.
15Mrs. Bines was in converse with a person of authoritative manner regarding the service to be supplied them.
16Chauvelin's scarf of office, his curt, authoritative manner, had an equally awe-inspiring effect upon the two miserable creatures.
Esta colocação é formada por:
Authoritative manner ao longo do tempo
Authoritative manner nas variantes da língua