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Significados de autobiographical elements em inglês
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Uso de autobiographical elements em inglês
The story -with strong autobiographicalelements -was one Tolstoy struggled to finish.
Sag Harbor is a sort of, it's a novel with some autobiographicalelements, you know.
Welles acknowledged the film's unmistakable autobiographicalelements during production.
Asking a fiction writer about autobiographicalelements in their work can be a little tiresome for all concerned.
Most songs on the album, entitled I'm Saying It Now, are autobiographical or have autobiographicalelements, he says.
Not many first-time novelists get through an interview without being asked about the apparent autobiographicalelements in their books.
His uncompromising vision has resulted in a sporadic output of just eight films over the past 32 years, most containing autobiographicalelements.
While published as a work of fiction, Sleepless Nights contains many verifiably autobiographicalelements: Hardwick was born into a large family in Kentucky.