Unit of mass in imperial, US customary, and avoirdupois systems of units.
Examples for "pounds"
Examples for "pounds"
1The change will cost his young family tens of thousands of pounds.
2Beginning at sea level, air weighs about 15 pounds per square inch.
3Reports said their two-year deal was worth up to 30 million pounds.
4We're 100 million pounds ahead of our original plan, said Mr King.
5Last year, national parks were given millions of pounds to promote cycling.
1Semihard; blue; goat; mellow; small; square; a quarter to a half pound.
2The portfolio generated a 17 million pound loss last year, Lloyds said.
3The second problem is the likely boost to an already appreciating pound.
4BNY avoided a 180 million pound fine by settling the case early.
5In Europe, Britain's fourth-quarter growth data looms large for the embattled pound.
1The quantity of provisions I found in the boat was 150 lb.
2The heaviest fruit within the ken of the writer weighed 8 lb.
3In the U.S. retail market, sugar fetches about 20 cents a lb.
4Each degree of hardness indicates the destruction and waste of 12 lb.
5The weight of the usual projectile for this mortar is 850 lb.
1Of course, there's much more that goes into it: humping 50 lbs.
2The produce per acre of the first cutting is about 60 lbs.
3The puppies should increase in weight at the rate of 3 lbs.
4Dr. Carey in the chair with the gold medal for 80 lbs.
5The Professor remarks that the proportion of oil is, in 100 lbs.
1The proportion of weight lost as LBM was no greater than predicted.
2An extrapolation to the LBM compartment of the whole body was employed.
3Further, total physical activity level had a significant positive association with handgrip and LBM.
4The relationships of changes in LBM and TBW to changes in physical functioning were linear.
5In women, changes in LBM and TBW were not related to changes in physical functioning.
Translations for avoirdupois pound