Ainda não temos significados para "awful depth".
1Thou alone and thy people, ye fall from depth to awful depth....
2A chasm of awful depth is there, which separates the unknown from this earth, and a veil of darkness conceals it.
3But the spiritual disillusion had come at last, and it had revealed him to himself at an awful depth of self-deception.
4Fighting, climbing, struggling upward, he closed his eyes to the awful depth to which he would fall if his quest were vain.
5He had never before witnessed such awful depths of poverty.
6He knows that behind him the great Sierras wall the awful depths of the Yosemite.
7Henderson cleared his throat and looked down into the awful depths of the Makon Canyon.
8He reaches great heights and sinks to awful depths.
9The forests are so dark and dreadful that even the boldest warriors shrink from their awful depths.
10But what did Herschel learn regarding these awful depths of space and the stars that people them?
11And over it all the moon went about its business; the awful depths of the sky were silent.
12Somehow they felt that never before had they fully appreciated the awful depths over which they had been floating.
13Before I could overtake him he had sprung to the rail and hurled himself headforemost into the awful depths below.
14I saw myself dragged down into the awful depths and torn limb from limb, by the fierce and hungry monsters.
15He had looked into the awful depths which Shakespeare had explored-anagony of the mind beyond words, and beyond solution.
16A curious traveller, one of "the inquisitive class," must needs see how the miners descended into these awful depths.
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