Ainda não temos significados para "babble like".
1Make him babble like a child, scarce knowing what he says.
2Why, thou shall babble like a mill-stream, if thou wilt.
3Why, thou shalt babble like a mill-stream, if thou wilt.
4But once set her talking, she will forget your presence, and babble like the brook.
5Do you think I babble like any young drunk with his first measure of wine?
6Whatever was making her babble like this?
7Her voice, warped and distorted, cut through the babble like a dull ax through a calf's brain.
8I feel-oh , Ican'tdescribe it- Ifeelthe bigness of it, but when I speak, I babble like a little child.
9Inside I was longing to scream and babble like a two-year-old, but only my rational mind could help Derek and me now.
10Only Halima and Siuan seemed to notice her, and a babble like that of a flock of excited geese filled the air.
11You are as translucent as a woodland brook, and-attimes you babble like one, confident that your music pleases everyone who hears it....
12Think what will happen if the Romans hear him babbling like this!
13Zuleika babbled like a child going to a juvenile party.
14At first she babbled like a child of not being thirsty; but I was insistent.
15He wrung his hands, and babbled like a lunatic.
16Thereafter he was never coherent again, though for the most part he babbled like a noisy brook.
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