The Boomer Report concentrates on the habits of the "the baby-boomgeneration."
He said it is estimated that the baby-boomgeneration worldwide is worth $2 trillion.
This very conformist, domestic era, into which my so-called baby-boomgeneration was born, returned sex roles to their traditional strict polarization.
Ellis wondered if Warren realized he was part of that same baby-boomgeneration he was pinning the downfall of civilization on.
Some locals say they fear the demographic changes, and forthcoming retirement of the baby-boomgeneration, will make the Medicare government health plan insolvent.
Thirty years ago, France's post-war, baby-boomgeneration brought the country to the brink of civil war with a month of riots and street demonstrations.
My observation in recent years points to the reality that the conditioning described above did not end with the Baby-Boomgeneration.