An indehiscent fruit derived from a single ovary having one or many seeds within a fleshy wall or pericarp: e.g. grape; tomato; cranberry.
1Has de gemmin from de norf any bacca for dis yere chile?
2I will take three o' grog and an ounce of 'bacca.
3Well, yesterday evening, squire, I went down into the village to buy some 'bacca.
4Enty you got one piece t'bacca fo' po' ole nigger?
5Gi's a bit o' bacca, Bill; maybe it'll take the edge off o' my stummuk.
6Hab you a leetle bacca fur dis ole man?
7Dont have no bacca with ye do ye?
8You want to come inside for a screw of bacca before ol' 'Atchery 'ere turns sour on us?
9He won't tak tax off 'bacca!
10After commencing to "keep house," the old women came to sell me eggs and beg for "bacca."
11Old Bootha's luck stuck to her that time, and I had to give her a new dress and some 'bacca.'
12She'll fetch us a bit o' supper, and I makes out middlin' well along o' my pint and bit o' bacca.
13But thou'rt a damned shark, Charlie, and if anybody 'ud give me a plug o' bacca for doing it, I'd bash thy face in.
14Ef I hed a plug o' bacca for every grizzly I've rubbed out, it 'ud keep my jaws waggin' for a good twel'month, I reck'n.
15Bacca was born in 1978 at the ESMA naval base in Buenos Aires.
16Carlos Bacca made sure that no justice was served, converting Milan's penalty with aplomb.