Used of riotously drunken merrymaking.
Examples for "carousing "
Examples for "carousing "
1 Very confident, the guard very negligent, the men carousing in the houses.
2 The last day of the payment is, invariably, one of general carousing .
3 I guessed he was feeling the aftereffects of our night's carousing too.
4 Instead of sitting here carousing , we ought to go solemnly to bed.
5 Wherever Brederode was, there, it was probable, would be much severe carousing .
1 This is the immemorial bacchanal lurching through the kaleidoscope of the centuries.
2 The individual I had seen at Baden,-thegamester, the bacchanal , the debauchee!
3 His eye was alight, his color coppery, his air swagger, devil-may-care, bacchanal .
4 It's usually a deeply technical bacchanal , but this year was not.
5 At the height of the bacchanal I emptied the purse into a bottle.
1 Bressant looked up and recognized the rustic bacchanalian for the first time.
2 But my social recollections of Baltimore are by no means exclusively bacchanalian .
3 Two bacchanalian pictures on the wall suddenly had yawning wounds in their centre.
4 And up starts a wild, dissolute, bacchanalian glee for seven voices.
5 It was really a bacchanalian blowout, and we're all feeling the effects of it.
1 The populace drifted here, into complete indifference, there, into orgiastic forms of worship.
2 Servants, stationed throughout this orgiastic celebration-ofcourse there would be.
3 When the Minotaur appears in the studio, the hitherto relaxed mood becomes fiercely orgiastic .
4 And he had intermittently dozed during the progress of the demonstration and its orgiastic sequel.
5 The kind of orgiastic existences that Roma was famous for in Nero's time, I mean.
1 A bacchic emulation reigned, which threatened to end in scenes bordering upon a debauch.
2 The Syrian damsels, who appeared at first in the bacchic dance, mingled now with the guests.
3 Is the bike transforming this staid old world into one wild bacchic orgy or phallic revel?
4 Woman has filled the world with war's alarms, and the bacchic revel has ended in the brawl.
5 It is a liquor worthy to be sung at Teos and at the Temple by the princes of bacchic poets, Anacreon and Chaulieu.
6 It was not the arrangements of the beersellers, which were formidably Bacchic .
7 The form of the legend was somewhat differently incorporated with the Bacchic Mysteries.
8 When she applied the soft pedal the Bacchic revel became a silent prayer.
9 There is also a sarcophagus with bas-relief of a Bacchic procession, remarkably fine.
10 The lonesome little glow will be remembered as a Bacchic orgy.
11 Moving it within doors backward and forward, and practicing Bacchic revelry, I disarranged it.
12 No Bacchic revels on Mount Parnassus were ever more corybantic.
13 It is not feverish, grimy, rude, strenuous, Bacchic , and wicked.
14 Trinc then: what says your heart, elevated by Bacchic enthusiasm?
15 The Bacchic enthusiast believed himself possessed with the very ecstasy of the spirit of nature.
16 He went deriding the God and your Bacchic revels.
Other examples for "bacchic"
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