A stick used instead of a sword for fencing.
Examples for "singlestick"
Examples for "singlestick"
1I am fairly good at fence, and excellent as any at singlestick.
2The knowledge of singlestick and quarterstaff still lingered, in the country parts of England.
3Is an expert singlestick player, boxer, and swordsman.
4Not the Admirable Chinnie, the singlestick champion?
5George Fairburn had ever been an adept at all school games, and had spent many a leisure hour at singlestick.
1Spinning in the other direction, Wantage presented a short fencing stick to Complain's stomach.
1They set edges upon scimitars, cutlasses, badelairs, backswords, tucks, rapiers, bayonets, arrow-heads, dags, daggers, mandousians, poniards, whinyards, knives, skeans, shables, chipping knives, and raillons.